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Programming Are Hard:
Structuring my applications, Cont'd
Mar 09, 2015 @ 17:03:16

The Programming Are Hard site continues its look at structuring Symfony-based applications in part two (it's just two parts) building on the structure and foundation laid out in part one.

It really irks me when I see some design/architecture decisions other developers have made but there's no technical explanation. What packages did they use? What challenges did they face? What trade-offs were made? I'll go over some more specifics in this post.

He recaps some of the things covered in the previous post first, ensuring everyone is on the same page. He then gets into the concept of "bundles" and how they encapsulate functionality. From there he talks about commands, controllers, dependency injection and lots of other topics, each with their own summary and a bit of code where needed for clarification.

tagged: structuring application symfony bundle command controller di form provider repository resource serialize

Link: http://programmingarehard.com/2015/03/05/structing-my-application-contd.html

Stefan Mischook's Blog:
Podcast: Structuring PHP Projects
Nov 11, 2008 @ 16:25:52

Stefan Mischook has posted a new podcast that gives an overview of things to consider when structuring your application.

In the following podcast I go over the key factor when determining how to structure a PHP project. In a nutshell, it comes down to the size and complexity of the job. For the details, listen to me yap.

You can download the mp3 directly from his site. For more great PHP tutorials, check out his videos section.

tagged: podcast structuring project tutorial video factor complexity size


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