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Dave Marshall's Blog:
ZFSnippets.com update
Apr 07, 2009 @ 17:09:24

Dave Marshall has made a few updates to the ZFSnippets.com website lately in response to some of the feedback he's gotten.

It’s been just over a month since I launched zfsnippets.com and I’m very pleased with the reception it got, which spurred me on to try and improve it. Since then, following suggestions on the feedback forum I’ve implemented a few new features.

Updated features include the addition of favorites, showing a revision history of each snippet and the addition of search functionality with filtering support (powered by Zend_Search_Lucene).

tagged: zfsnippets snippet zendframework update favorites revision history search


Dave Marshall's Blog:
ZFSnippets.com - Zend Framework Code Snippets
Mar 05, 2009 @ 15:32:34

Dave Marshall has pointed out a site he's developed that Zend Framework developers out there might find handy - ZF Snippets.

I thought [the djangosnippets.org site] was pretty cool, and realised we didn’t have a one stop shop for Zend Framework code snippets. Symfony and CakePHP also have dedicated sites for this. [...] I thought it’d be another good learning opportunity to build my own with the Zend Framework, for the Zend Framework.

The site makes use of several of the Zend Framework components and has already been populated with a few examples to get things started. He has plans for its future including full searching, version history for each snippet, user collaboration and a scoring/ranking system for the quality of the snippet.

tagged: zendframework snippet zfsnippets framework example


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