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October 2008 Issue Released
Oct 31, 2008 @ 18:13:29

The latest issue of php|architect magazine has been released - October 2008. Articles in this new issue include:

  • Alvaro Videla Godoy - The Propel ORM
  • John Mertic - Using Mixins with PHP
  • Forrest Lyma - Developing Digitalus

As well as the usual columns from Steph Fox, Jeff Moore and Marco Tabini. You can either buy the issue alone or you can subscribe and get a full year of high quality PHP goodness.

tagged: phparchitect issue release orm mixins bandwidth digitalus


Web Development Blog:
Save bandwidth with PHProxy and ip2nation
Jun 08, 2007 @ 12:58:00

From the Web Development Blog, there's a quick tutorial posted about using the PHProxy package and ip2nation tool to save you some money on your bandwidth bills each month.

If your website becomes a little busy the websites bandwidth becomes very valuable. If your visitors using too much bandwidth and the conversions from your website are very low or just moderate, it’s possible that you get broke with also a good internet website project.

Their solution uses the PHProxy functionality and the IP address information (database dump) from ip2nation to create targeted user content. They include the setup for the proxy as well as some code that will need to be inserted to use the ip2nation data. Last but not least, there's also the code to insert into the page and make the magic happen.

tagged: phproxy ip2nation target content bandwidth proxy phproxy ip2nation target content bandwidth proxy


Web Development Blog:
Save bandwidth with PHProxy and ip2nation
Jun 08, 2007 @ 12:58:00

From the Web Development Blog, there's a quick tutorial posted about using the PHProxy package and ip2nation tool to save you some money on your bandwidth bills each month.

If your website becomes a little busy the websites bandwidth becomes very valuable. If your visitors using too much bandwidth and the conversions from your website are very low or just moderate, it’s possible that you get broke with also a good internet website project.

Their solution uses the PHProxy functionality and the IP address information (database dump) from ip2nation to create targeted user content. They include the setup for the proxy as well as some code that will need to be inserted to use the ip2nation data. Last but not least, there's also the code to insert into the page and make the magic happen.

tagged: phproxy ip2nation target content bandwidth proxy phproxy ip2nation target content bandwidth proxy


When Penguins Attack:
Tuning IIS for PHP
Jan 25, 2006 @ 13:17:08

On the "When Penguins Attack" blog today, there's a brief guide to help you tune your IIS installation for PHP.

IIS is a multi-threaded web server available on Windows NT and 2000. From the Internet Services Manager, it is possible to tune the following parameters: Performance Tuning based on the number of hits per day, Bandwidth throttling, Process throttling, Timeout, and HTTP Compression.

He looks at tips for each of the above, as well as other things like the memory cache size and max pool threads that can be changed with the help of the registry editor...

tagged: tune IIS install bandwidth performance memory compression tune IIS install bandwidth performance memory compression


When Penguins Attack:
Tuning IIS for PHP
Jan 25, 2006 @ 13:17:08

On the "When Penguins Attack" blog today, there's a brief guide to help you tune your IIS installation for PHP.

IIS is a multi-threaded web server available on Windows NT and 2000. From the Internet Services Manager, it is possible to tune the following parameters: Performance Tuning based on the number of hits per day, Bandwidth throttling, Process throttling, Timeout, and HTTP Compression.

He looks at tips for each of the above, as well as other things like the memory cache size and max pool threads that can be changed with the help of the registry editor...

tagged: tune IIS install bandwidth performance memory compression tune IIS install bandwidth performance memory compression


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