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PHP 5.6.0beta4 Released
Jun 06, 2014 @ 17:27:33

The main PHP.net site has officially announced the release of the latest beta in the PHP 5.6.0 series: PHP 5.6.0beta4.

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 5.6.0beta4. As we entered the feature freeze with beta1, this is a bugfix-only release. All users of PHP are encouraged to test this version carefully, and report any bugs in the bug tracking system. The beta phase is officially closed with this release. A couple of RCs are to be expected, until we are confident that the release is stable enough for the final release. For that, we really need your help in testing and reporting any problems that you encounter.

This is not a production release and should not be used in any kind of production environment. You can find out more information about the major updates in this evolving documentation. You can see all of the changes in this beta release in the included NEWS file. You can download this latest beta from the PHP QA site or here for the Windows binaries.

tagged: php560 beta4 release announcement development

Link: http://php.net/index.php#id2014-06-05-1

PHP 5.5 beta 4 is now available
Apr 25, 2013 @ 14:15:34

The PHP.net site has posted about the release of PHP 5.5 beta 4, the last beta that will be made for this series.

The PHP development team announces the release of the 4th beta of PHP 5.5.0. This release fixes some bugs against beta 3 and cleans up some features. This is a development preview - do not use it in production.

Several bugs were fixed and changes made - you can read the complete list in the NEWS file. To get this latest beta and try it out with your applications (and run the tests) you can download it here (here for Windows).

tagged: beta4 release php55 development preview

Link: http://php.net/index.php#id2013-04-25-1

Rob Allen's Blog:
Zend Framework 2 beta 4 released
May 29, 2012 @ 00:42:51

As Rob Allen mentions in his latest post, the latest revision of the Zend Framework v2 has been released and is ready for testing - Zend Framework 2 beta4.

Earlier this week, we got beta 4 of Zend Framework 2 out of the door. This version has some very significant improvements in it which mean that if you're following along at home with the betas, then you're going to be doing a bit of updating! Most of the B/C breaks are noted in this thread.

He's also made updates to his Zend Framework 2 tutorial to match these most recent changes. He points out three key new features - the ZendServiceManager, ZendForm and ZendInputFilter updates and the introduction of Composer support to pull packages.

tagged: zendframework2 beta4 release servicemanager form inputfilter composer


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