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Laravel News:
Developing a CI Process for Laravel with Codeship and Forge
Jun 05, 2017 @ 18:01:05

On the Laravel News site they've posted a tutorial showing you how to create a CI process for deploying Laravel applications using the Codeship and Forge services.

Codeship empowers developers to efficiently test and deploy web applications with a basic command. Today, I want to demonstrate some of the platform’s features through testing and deploying a Laravel application.

They start the tutorial with some of the things you'll need to have set up prior to the process including a local instance of Docker, a DigitalOcean or AWS account and a Laravel Forge account. The tutorial then shows how to complete the process using this sample application:

  • Setting up our Codeship project
  • Setting up Laravel Forge
  • Connecting Forge and Codeship

The article walks you through all the setup and configuration you'll need to get the process integrated and up and running quickly.

tagged: laravel deployment codeship forge tutorial integration

Link: https://laravel-news.com/ci-process-codeship-forge

Phillip Shipley:
How to automatically deploy static single-page-apps to Amazon S3 and Cloudfront or
Jun 02, 2017 @ 15:39:26

Phillip Shipley has a post to his site for the AWS and Cloudflare users out there (or those that want to use these together) about an easy way to automatically deploy static sites.

Managing web servers can be a lot of work. Especially when it comes to configuring and maintaining SSL certs, server and software updates, etc. Let’s Encrypt has made the SSL part a lot easier, but it is still work and to me feels like overkill for something as simple as a static single-page-application. Especially when there are dead simple solutions like Amazon S3 that can be used to host and scale a static website without any server configuration or maintenance. Adding CloudFront with a free SSL certificate from Amazon’s Certificate Manager service make SSL painless too.

[...] In this article I’ll cover how to use Codeship’s continuous integration and deployment service to build/test your app, deploy it to S3, and then clear cached versions of it from CloudFront and Cloudflare.

He then shows how to use the Codeship service to do the actual deployment, broken down into a few steps:

  • Step 1: Setting up project in Codeship
  • Step 2: Configure Tests
  • Step 3: Configure Environment Variables
  • Step 4: Configure Deployment

Each step includes both screenshots and configuration examples you'll need to get the workflow set up and running for your site.

tagged: deploy tutorial singlepage amazon s3 cloudfront cloudflare codeship process

Link: http://www.phillipshipley.com/2017/05/how-to-automatically-deploy-single-page-apps-to-amazon-s3-and-cloudfront-or-cloudflare-using-codeship/

Piotr Pasich:
Putting all pieces together and shipping with Codeship (Continuous Deployment – part I
Aug 18, 2015 @ 17:45:01

Piotr Pasich continues his series covering the integration of Docker, Elastic Beanstalk and Codeship to create a workflow for shipping and releasing code. In the first two parts of the series he set up most of the technology involved and hooked some of it together. In this latest article he finishes the process, connecting CodeShip with GitHub and your tests.

Today I will walk you through combining all the pieces together and automating the process fully. A continuous integration system will be placed between developer’s environment and final servers. I’ll present how to achieve all of that with Codeship. What make me choose this particular mechanism? The simplicity of setting up, number of additional tools ready to use without installation and finally the fact that it isn’t time consuming.

He shows how to connect CodeShip with your GitHub repository. He shows how to create a new CodeShip project to handle the build complete with a screencast to ensure things are set up as they should be. He includes a bit of "magic" you'll need to do with the CodeShip configuration to get it to work with the Docker setup, but the change is minimal. He also shows you how to set up the execution of your tests and how to see what failed when a build is broken. Finally he shows the process for setting up the deployment to the hosting provider (in this case Digital Ocean) and how to configure your Amazon credentials right in the interface.

tagged: codeship elasticbeanstalk continuous deployment series part3 docker tutorial

Link: http://piotrpasich.com/putting-all-pieces-together-and-shipping-with-codeship-continuous-deployment-part-iii/

X-Team Blog:
Automated Deployment in 90 minutes with Docker, AWS and Codeship
Jul 08, 2015 @ 15:22:27

In the X-Team blog they've posted about deployment, specifically combining Docker and Codeship to push an application (in this case a Symfony2 one) out to an Amazon Web Services instance.

Just imagine. It’s Friday afternoon, the team has just finished a new feature which should be deployed to the servers before the weekend. And you are the lucky guy who is responsible for completing the task. Generally, it shouldn’t take more than five minutes. Well, what could possibly go wrong. [...] In the attached video, you’ll find an introduction on how to setup and automate deployment with Docker, AWS Elastic BeansTalk and Codeship in 90 minutes. Don’t miss a Friday night party ever again!

The tutorial comes in the form of a video screencasting the whole process, all the way from setting up the AWS instance and Codeship account out to the configuration and software you'll need to use Docker to build the containers and make the deploy.

tagged: automation docker codeship aws instance tutorial screencast elasticbeanstalk

Link: http://x-team.com/2015/07/automated-deployment-90-minutes-docker-aws-codeship/

Jack Skinner:
In search of simplicity a - story of blog automation
Apr 03, 2015 @ 14:54:37

Jack Skinner has a new post to his site showing how he rewrote his blog aiming for simplicity with the help of Sculpin and Codeship.

I’ve recently relaunched my blog (hi everyone!), I’ll migrate some old content and scrap others. While I clean up the content however I wanted to share how the new site has come into being.

He starts off talking about why he chose to go with Sculpin but doesn't get too much into it as there are "plenty of posts and content around" on how to get started. He then talks about the Codeship service and share some of the initial setup commands and setting up a deployment pipeline to an AWS instance. He makes use of the S3 website hosting, Route53 and CloudFront services for the serving of the actual site. Codeship makes it simple to deploy a new build whenever he updates or adds a new post too.

tagged: simplicity blog automation sculpin codeship aws s3

Link: https://developerjack.com/blog/2015/03/31/in-search-of-simplicity-automating-my-blog/

Integrating Codeship with Fortrabbit
Aug 29, 2013 @ 15:30:37

On the Fortrabbit blog today they show how to integrate their service with the Codeship.io service, helping make continuous deployment simpler.

We have got a lot of requests concerning continuous integration lately. That’s why we’ve published a new general article in our docs on how to integrate CI in your fortrabbit workflow. Pieter from wercker also just published this great article on how to integrate fortrabbit with wercker. Here is another one from us on how you could something similar combining Codeship with fortrabbit.

They walk you through the full process with a freshly created Fortrabbit application so you can see how to get it set from the start. The article shows you how to set up Codeship with the repository provider and the callback for push notifications. You'll have to set up a ssh key for Codeship to be able to access the repository and a special script that happens on push to trigger the build. There's also a bit at the end about "going multistage" with a different deployment process for each branch.

tagged: codeship fortrabbit continuous deployment tutorial setup configuration

Link: http://blog.fortrabbit.com/integrating-codeship-with-fortrabbit/

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