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Danny van Kooten:
Moving from PHP (Laravel) to Go
Apr 27, 2017 @ 15:14:04

Danny van Kooten has an interesting post on his site sharing his experience in converting a Laravel-based application to Go, briefly describing some of the changes made, performance differences and the lines of code required.

Earlier this year, I made an arguably bad business decision. I decided to rewrite the Laravel application powering Boxzilla in Go.

No regrets though.

Just a few weeks later I was deploying the Go application. Building it was the most fun I had in months, I learned a ton and the end result is a huge improvement over the old application. Better performance, easier deployments and higher test coverage.

He talks about why he selected Go and some of the external services he would need to interface with to make the transition complete. He then gets into the actual porting of the codebase and some of the challenges involved to replace Laravel functionality. With the application ported, he then compares the performance of the Laravel application versus the Go version, sharing the request of requests/second for each. He finishes out the post looking at a lines of code comparison between the two and how testing was handled on the Go side.

tagged: laravel move rewrite application go summary experience performance

Link: https://dannyvankooten.com/laravel-to-golang/

QaFoo Blog:
Scaling Constraints of Languages
Aug 04, 2016 @ 14:45:08

The QaFoo blog has written up an interesting post looking at languages and scalability and some of the constraints that can come along with them.

Micro-Services or any set of small services are common again right now. While it can make a lot of sense to use a dedicated service for a well defined problem those services are sometimes used just to play with a different server software. While it is pretty obvious for most that selecting the right database is important the same is true for selecting the right language (virtual machine) for the job.

There are different types of services or server applications where different types of virtual machines (executing the opcodes / bytecode of the compiled source code) make more or less sense. What are the criteria we should base such a decision on and which language should we choose when?

As their primary work is related to PHP, they focus in on it. They talk about why PHP has become such a popular language (the "LCoDC$SS" acronym) and why it fits in with HTTP's statelessness perfectly. On the flip side, they also talk about when it doesn't make sense to use PHP - mostly centering around what would take long-running PHP processes. They then compare this to a similar setup with other languages like Node.js, Go and Java (and how well those scale themselves).

tagged: scalability language feature comparison java nodejs go

Link: https://qafoo.com/blog/088_scaling_constraints_of_languages.html

Full Stack Radio:
13: Phil Sturgeon - Designing and Testing APIs, Go and PHP 7
Apr 06, 2015 @ 13:58:54

The Full Stack radio podcast has posted their thirteenth episode with guest Phil Sturgeon. In this latest show they talk about designing APIs, Go and PHP 7.

n this episode, Adam talks to Philip J. Sturgeon about designing and testing APIs at Ride. They also talk about building microservices with Go, and some of the new features coming in PHP 7.

You can listen to this latest episode either through the audio player in the post or by downloading the mp3 of the episode for listening at your leisure. Be sure to subscribe to their feed if you enjoy the episode too!

tagged: fullstackradio philsturgeon api go php7 podcast deign test

Link: http://fullstackradio.com/episodes/13/

PHP Town Hall:
Episode #16: Laravel 4.1, Go and the Vagrant Fistfight
Dec 03, 2013 @ 17:16:19

The PHP Town Hall podcast has released their latest show - Episode #16, "Laravel 4.1, Go and the Vagrant Fistfight" with guests Taylor Otwell and Zack Kitzmiller.

Taylor was the first guest we ever had on PHP Town Hall talking about his plans for Laravel 4 before it was even released, so it gives us a great opportunity to look back on the year and see how things have gone. We discuss the changes to Laravel and it’s community, and discuss how various changes in the PHP ecosystem (like PHP 5.3 support becoming less of a demand) could effect Laravel 4.1.

You can listen to this latest episode in a few ways - either through the in-page player, by downloading the mp3 or, if you prefer, watching the live video recording as aired on a Google Hangout. If you enjoy the show, be sure to subscribe to their feed too.

tagged: phptownhall ep16 laravel taylorotwell zackkitzmiller go vagrant podcast

Link: http://phptownhall.com/blog/2013/12/02/episode-16-taylor-otwell-laravel41/

Aspect-Oriented Programming in PHP with Go!
Apr 10, 2013 @ 15:56:41

In this new tutorial on NetTuts.com today they introduce you to aspect-oriented programming (AOP) in PHP through the use of the Go! PHP library.

The concept of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is fairly new to PHP. There's currently no official AOP support in PHP, but there are some extensions and libraries which implement this feature. In this lesson, we'll use the Go! PHP library to learn AOP in PHP, and review when it can be helpful.

They start with a brief history of AOP in general and a basic vocabulary of some of the common terms like "point-cut", "aspect" and "cross-concern." They briefly look at some of the other PHP tools for AOP, but then help you get Go! up and running. Sample code is included showing how to integrate it into your project and, more practically, create a logging system that can be used as an aspect.

tagged: aspect oriented programming tutorial go library introduction

Link: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/aspect-oriented-programming-in-php-with-go

Ben Ramsey's Blog:
Technical Vocabulary and Grammar
Jan 23, 2006 @ 13:43:45

With his own response to this post, Ben Ramsey sheds some more light on the misspoken technology terms/conventions that pop up over and over.

This is in response to Chris Shiflett's "Technical Vocabulary and Grammar" post. My comment became so long that I decided to blog it instead.

Being someone with a degree in English...

He talks about collective nouns being plural (making it okay to use something like "PHPDeveloper.org are..."), periods inside quotation marks, a suggestion for aiding understanding of actual commands typed for programming books (loose the quotes and go bold), and his own view on what "PC" really means...

tagged: technical vocabulary grammar nouns periods go bold technical vocabulary grammar nouns periods go bold


Ben Ramsey's Blog:
Technical Vocabulary and Grammar
Jan 23, 2006 @ 13:43:45

With his own response to this post, Ben Ramsey sheds some more light on the misspoken technology terms/conventions that pop up over and over.

This is in response to Chris Shiflett's "Technical Vocabulary and Grammar" post. My comment became so long that I decided to blog it instead.

Being someone with a degree in English...

He talks about collective nouns being plural (making it okay to use something like "PHPDeveloper.org are..."), periods inside quotation marks, a suggestion for aiding understanding of actual commands typed for programming books (loose the quotes and go bold), and his own view on what "PC" really means...

tagged: technical vocabulary grammar nouns periods go bold technical vocabulary grammar nouns periods go bold


Go anywhere Server PHP Debugger
Dec 28, 2005 @ 12:42:55

From this new post today on frak's blog, there's a look at a PHP debugger that makes it simple to debugg your PHP applications - GUBED.

I never realised there was such a thing! The name of this great program is GUBED (debug backwards) and it is based on a really simple idea.

To run the debugger, you call some PHP scripts (also installed on the same website) that grab the code of the web page you want to debug, and call you back (as other 'hard server install' solutions do).

Gubed is a cross platform program to debug PHP scripts. For a general overview, see the About section, for a more technical description, see the documentation.

tagged: server debugger go anywhere GUBED server debugger go anywhere GUBED


Go anywhere Server PHP Debugger
Dec 28, 2005 @ 12:42:55

From this new post today on frak's blog, there's a look at a PHP debugger that makes it simple to debugg your PHP applications - GUBED.

I never realised there was such a thing! The name of this great program is GUBED (debug backwards) and it is based on a really simple idea.

To run the debugger, you call some PHP scripts (also installed on the same website) that grab the code of the web page you want to debug, and call you back (as other 'hard server install' solutions do).

Gubed is a cross platform program to debug PHP scripts. For a general overview, see the About section, for a more technical description, see the documentation.

tagged: server debugger go anywhere GUBED server debugger go anywhere GUBED


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