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SitePoint PHP Blog:
Can PHP Be Even Faster? Light-Speed with the Blink Framework
Jan 18, 2016 @ 15:20:27

The SitePoint PHP blog has a tutorial posted that looks at a framework that could "make PHP go even faster", the Blink framework.

Blink was built to improve high performance applications that consume a lot of server resources, and it uses the Swoole PHP extension to achieve this goal. As an example, we will build a Blink powered notejam for our demo.

First the tutorial walks you through the installation of the Swoole extension (they choose from PEAR but you can also install from GitHub). Next up they install the Blink framework with a new project and fire up the built-in server to ensure it's working correctly. With that up and running they show how to configure the framework/server and get into building the sample "notejam" application. They make use of Twig for templating the frontend and several Illuminate packages for the database, console and filesystem functionality.

The remainder of the post walks through the actual code for the application:

  • creating and using the "notes" table
  • working with routing
  • creating templates
  • working with user management

Finally, with this system in place they show how to have a user verify themselves and add a new note to their list.

tagged: blink framework fast swoole extension tutorial note application

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/can-php-be-even-faster-light-speed-with-the-blink-framework/

Build an API with Lumen and Fractal
Jun 17, 2015 @ 15:16:58

On the Laravelista.com site there's a recent tutorial posted showing you how to create an API with Lumen and Fractal, a combination of the popular Laravel-based microframework and Fractal, an output handling library that makes it simpler to transform data to your needs. This is the second part of his series (part one is here), making some improvements on his previous examples.

In the previous post I used Larasponse to get Fractal working with Laravel, but recently I have switched to native Fractal package. One thing to notice is that in this post I will be showing you parts of code from a real project that I am working on called Treeline, instead of just example code like in the previous post. Be sure to check the Treeline repository if you're unclear on something.

He goes back through some of the setup process, getting Fractal installed via Composer and the creation of an ApiController to handle basic things like setting the status code and transforming the response to JSON. He shows how to add in the necessary routes for the "projects" path and creates the matching controller, collection and item classes that integrate the Fractal transformers to format their output as JSON. He also includes the code for the transformer classes themselves, showing you how to pull in and modify the data for the API's needs. He ends the post showing how to integrate other data (the "notes" into a "project" instance) and the resulting JSON output.

tagged: lumen fractal api tutorial series part2 transform project note

Link: http://laravelista.com/build-an-api-with-lumen-and-fractal/

AJAX-enabled Sticky Notes With PHP & jQuery
Aug 31, 2011 @ 15:16:35

On the Tutorialzine.com site there's an interesting (though a bit older) tutorial showing you how to combine jQuery, PHP and some CSS+HTML to make a simple sticky note application complete with multiple note support and drag-and-drop abilities.

Today we are making an AJAX-enabled Sticky Note management system. It will give visitors the ability to create notes with a live preview, and move them around on the screen. Every movement is going to be sent to the back-end via AJAX and saved in the database.

They use the fancybox plugin for jQuery to make creating the notes a lot simpler. Included in the tutorial is all of the HTML, CSS, javascript and PHP you'll need to create the application (as well as plenty of description along the way). You can see a demo of it in action here or just download the source and dive right in.

tagged: tutorial ajax sticky note jquery fancybox plugin


David Coallier's Blog:
PEAR is using jQuery et new features
Mar 28, 2007 @ 16:02:00

David Coallier points out a new feature of the main PEAR website (http://pear.php.net) - integration of the jQuery framework to help with the administration of a recent addition to the site, user comments.

http://pear.php.net is now using jQuery for some sections of the administration area in order to view user notes/comments and that I will be starting implementing more sections over the site within the next few weeks (Of course this will all be done once we have split the code completely into templates, views, controllers, MDB2 move, etc)

He also makes some comments about the number of Javascript frameworks out there and a mention of the roadmap for the rest of the features they plan to add to the PEAR site.

tagged: pear website jquery administration integrate user comment note pear website jquery administration integrate user comment note


David Coallier's Blog:
PEAR is using jQuery et new features
Mar 28, 2007 @ 16:02:00

David Coallier points out a new feature of the main PEAR website (http://pear.php.net) - integration of the jQuery framework to help with the administration of a recent addition to the site, user comments.

http://pear.php.net is now using jQuery for some sections of the administration area in order to view user notes/comments and that I will be starting implementing more sections over the site within the next few weeks (Of course this will all be done once we have split the code completely into templates, views, controllers, MDB2 move, etc)

He also makes some comments about the number of Javascript frameworks out there and a mention of the roadmap for the rest of the features they plan to add to the PEAR site.

tagged: pear website jquery administration integrate user comment note pear website jquery administration integrate user comment note


David Coallier's Blog:
PEAR now has User Notes/Comments
Mar 23, 2007 @ 11:59:24

According to this new post from David Coallier, the PEAR website now includes a feature the main PHP manual has had for a while now - user comments.

For the past few days with the help of Greg Beaver (CelloG), I have been implementing user notes in the pear user documentation. This is now live and running using text-captcha-numeral and an administration backend where any developer can approve comments.

[...] Anyways, this is currently working, you have to go on a package's documentation link and then click on end-user documentation. You will then notice at the bottom a link that says "Add a note/comment".

He's also looking at adding some Javascript functionality to make it a bit more "pretty" (some jQuery features like popups/fading/etc). You can see an example of it already on the MDB2 documentation page.

tagged: per comment user note captcha administer documentation per comment user note captcha administer documentation


David Coallier's Blog:
PEAR now has User Notes/Comments
Mar 23, 2007 @ 11:59:24

According to this new post from David Coallier, the PEAR website now includes a feature the main PHP manual has had for a while now - user comments.

For the past few days with the help of Greg Beaver (CelloG), I have been implementing user notes in the pear user documentation. This is now live and running using text-captcha-numeral and an administration backend where any developer can approve comments.

[...] Anyways, this is currently working, you have to go on a package's documentation link and then click on end-user documentation. You will then notice at the bottom a link that says "Add a note/comment".

He's also looking at adding some Javascript functionality to make it a bit more "pretty" (some jQuery features like popups/fading/etc). You can see an example of it already on the MDB2 documentation page.

tagged: per comment user note captcha administer documentation per comment user note captcha administer documentation


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