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php_mt_seed went beyond PoC (mt_rand seed cracker)
Nov 05, 2013 @ 18:49:12

As Openwall.com has reported, a flaw has been found in PHP's mt_rand functionality that allows the prediction of the result with just some of the other results.

With the functionality added in October, our php_mt_seed PHP mt_rand() seed cracker is no longer just a proof-of-concept, but is a tool that may actually be useful, such as for penetration testing. It is now a maintained project with its own homepage: http://www.openwall.com/php_mt_seed/.

They include a bit of illustration code showing how the see cracker works - generating 10 "random" numbers between 0 and 9. An example of running the "php_mt_seed" command against these values is shown along with the time to crack (just under 20 seconds). There's also an example of cracking when you don't know all 10 numbers in the sequence too. This further reinforces the best practice of not using mt_rand when you need strong random numbers for the security related functionality of your application (something like openssl_random_pseudo_bytes is a much better option).

tagged: mtrand seed cracker proofofconcept poc openwall

Link: http://www.openwall.com/lists/announce/2013/11/04/1

Gonzalo Ayuso:
Building a BDD framework with PHP
Aug 19, 2013 @ 14:49:57

<p. Gonzalo Ayuso wanted to look into BDD (behavior driven development) in PHP and was looking around for a tool to fit his needs. He didn't find one right away and so decided to create a simple one as a proof of concept to try out the method for himself.

I want to write as less code as I can (it’s only a proof of concept), so I will reuse the assertion framework or PHPUnit. As I’ve seen when studying Behat, we can use the assertion part as standalone functions. We only need to include vendor/phpunit/phpunit/PHPUnit/Framework/Assert/Functions.php file.

He includes the sample code showing his basic interface - a string calculation object being passed into a closure for evaluation by the PHPUnit assertion methods. He also includes an example of using it along with Mockery for creating a mock object and testing based on that.

tagged: bdd behaviordriven development framework proofofconcept poc mockery

Link: http://gonzalo123.com/2013/08/19/building-a-bdd-framework-with-php

Gareth Heyes:
Bypassing XSS Auditor
Feb 20, 2013 @ 17:21:29

Gareth Heyes has posted about some bypasses that he's found for getting around the XSS Auditor functionality in some browsers:

I had a look at XSS Auditor for a bit of fun because Mario said it’s getting harder to bypass. Hmmm I don’t agree. I seem to remember the same flaws are present from the last time I checked it with a little variation. It is also a very limited XSS filter not supporting detection of script based attacks (very common).

He includes three of his own bypasses - using a "formaction" on the submit input in a form, using "target" to override the iframe external resource restriction and the injection of a specially placed anchor tag. Each of these comes with a proof-of-concept example and another is also included courtesy of Mario Heiderich.

tagged: bypass xssauditor browser xss protection proofofconcept poc


Leaseweb Labs Blog:
POC: Flexible PHP Output Caching
Feb 02, 2012 @ 18:10:21

On the Leaseweb Labs blog there's a recent post looking at using the POC framework to work with flexible output caching. The tool makes it easy to create a new object and push cache content into it, automatically caching the data to sources like the file system, a Redis instance or a MongoDB database.

Last year at the Symfony conference in Paris I have heard a really good quote: "There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things" - Phil Karlton. I agree with it and it gave me a boost to keep evolving the concept.

He includes an introduction to the caching features of the framework complete with sample code showing first how to cache to the default file system and a more complex example that uses unique caches and page blacklists. Other features planned for the caching tool include edge-side includes, using Twig for templating and statistics recorded to a database.

tagged: poc framework cache output flexible


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