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Sameer Nyaupane:
PHP Test Driven Development Part 4: Enter The Mock
Sep 27, 2018 @ 17:29:29

On his HackerNoon site Sameer Nyaupane has posted part four of his series covering test-driven development in PHP. In this latest post he covers the use of mocking.

Hey there, welcome to part 4! Today we’ll learn how to mock. Mocking is a process where you create a fake instance of a real class, and test against it. This is so that, you do not have to worry about the real functionality of external dependencies inside a class. This makes unit testing a lot easier and reliable.

[...] Although PHPUnit does have mocking capabilities, it is not as full fledged as that of Mockery’s. We’ll be using Mockery for all our mocking needs.

He starts with some sample code, a simple Math class that calculates the area of a square (but doesn't implement it fully). This includes the need for an instance of a Calculate class that doesn't exist yet. He then works up a test for the Math class, mocking the Calculate class and calling the getArea method to evaluate the result. He walks you through each line of the code, sharing what's happening during test execution.

tagged: unittest mocking tutorial series part4 mockery introduction testdrivendevelopment

Link: https://hackernoon.com/php-test-driven-development-part-4-enter-the-mock-106b4fdedd00

Robert Basic:
Mockery partial mocks
Feb 05, 2018 @ 17:18:08

Robert Basic has a quick post to his site where he shows how to use partial mocks in Mockery, a useful tool for unit testing in PHP applications.

In dealing with legacy code I often come across some class that extends a big base abstract class, and the methods of that class call methods on that big base abstract class that do an awful lot of things. I myself have written such classes and methods in the past. Live and learn.

One of the biggest problems with this kind of code is that it is pretty hard to test. The methods from the base class can return other objects, have side effects, do HTTP calls…

He gives an example of a model that includes a method returning a database connection. In the child class of this the method that he's wanting to test includes a call to this method, making it difficult to test in isolation. He then shows how to make a partial mock of the child class that, be definition, returns a mocked PDO instance instead of the real PDO instance. All other methods will be passed through to the real class.

tagged: mockery unittest partial mock class abstract tutorial

Link: https://robertbasic.com/blog/mockery-partial-mocks/

Robert Basic:
Mockery return values based on arguments
Dec 13, 2017 @ 21:13:55

Robert Basic has a new post to his site where he shows how to use the Mockery unit testing too to return different values for different arguments. Fortunately there's something already built into the tool to help handle this.

Sometimes when working with Mockery mock objects, we want to tell a mocked method to return different values for different arguments. It is a rare occasion when I need this feature, but every time I need it, I’m happy it’s there.

The feature that allows us to return different values based on arguments is the andReturnUsing Mockery method, which takes a closure as an argument.

He includes examples of the use of this andReturnUsing method in mocks and showing that there's more than one way to accomplish the same kind of goal. While this is a useful method to use when needed he points out that refactoring the code under test is probably a better way to go instead.

tagged: mockery unittest arguments return value tutorial

Link: https://robertbasic.com/blog/mockery-return-values-based-on-arguments/

Mark Baker:
Extending final Classes and Methods by manipulating the AST
Nov 20, 2017 @ 16:38:32

Mark Baker has an interesting post to his site where he shares a suggestion for making it easier to create unit tests for some of the more difficult parts of your unit tests. In the article he shows how to extend final classes and methods by manipulating the AST (abstract syntax tree structure) of the current code under test.

We know that we should always write unit tests for our code, and mock dependencies; but that isn’t always easy when we need to mock classes define as final, or that contain final methods. This isn’t normally a problem when we’re only working with classes within our own libraries and applications, because we control whether they are final or not, and we can type-hint these dependencies to interfaces. However, when the dependencies that we use are from external libraries, we lose that control; and it can become harder to test our own classes if we do need to mock final classes and they haven’t been built to interfaces.

He talks about how one tool, Mockery, allows some of this with its functionality but can still cause issues when mocks are passed instead of actual class instances. He then starts on a solution he has been trying to implement - a mocking library that makes use of the PHP_Parser package to make it possible to modify the structure of the code itself, not just put a wrapper (mock) around it. He includes a bit of code showing how to use that and the BetterReflection library to do some class introspection, locate files for testing and how to the tool to "de-finalize" a class (make it no longer "final").

tagged: extend class method manipulate ast testing unittest final mockery tutorial

Link: https://markbakeruk.net/2017/11/19/extending-final-classes-and-methods-by-manipulating-the-ast/

Robert Basic:
Complex argument matching in Mockery
May 09, 2017 @ 15:40:15

Robert Basic has written up a new tutorial for the unit testers out there showing how to do some complex argument matching in Mockery, a popular testing tool that offers an alternative to PHPUnit's own mocking functionality.

This past weekend I did some issue maintenance and bug triage on Mockery. One thing I noticed going through all these issues, is that people were surprised when learning about the Mockery::on() argument matcher. I know Mockery’s documentation isn’t the best documentation out there, but this still is a documented feature.

He starts with a simple mock example, mocking out AClass and defining two method criteria (one with a once and another with a never). He points out that things are not always that simple and sometime more complex argument matching is required. The Mockery:on handler allows you to pass in a closure and do more complex evaluation of the values passed in. He includes an example of this, evaluating the result of a set of arguments passed in and ensuring they're all set.

tagged: complex mocking mockery argument tutorial on method closure tutorial

Link: https://robertbasic.com/blog/complex-argument-matching-in-mockery/

Adam Wathan:
Detecting Out of Sync Mocks in Mockery
Apr 05, 2017 @ 16:14:41

Adam Wathan has shared a new post on his site with advice on finding out-of-date mocks when using the Mockery mocking tool in your testing.

If you're not careful, it's easy to find yourself in a situation where a test double has gotten out of sync with the actual class or interface it's mocking.

In this quick screencast (taken from my Test-Driven Laravel course), I walk through how I use a little-known Mockery feature to help track down these issues and make sure I'm not mocking methods that don't exist.

The quick screencast (about 4 minutes) gives an example of locating the issue when a "Ticket" class is refactored. While the tests still pass, it can cause issues in testing and can be difficult to find. Mockery comes with a configuration option (in 1.0 alpha) to disable the mocking of methods that don't exist on the original object. He shows how to disable this feature and what the resulting error looks like when the tests are run.

tagged: mockery screencast unittest mock sync class disable configuration

Link: https://adamwathan.me/2017/04/03/detecting-out-of-sync-mocks-in-mockery/

Lanre Adelowo:
A Subtle Introduction to Mocking
Dec 08, 2016 @ 18:16:10

Lanre Adelowo has a recent post to his site introducing you to some of the basics of "mocking" in unit testing, some of the reasons to use it and plenty of examples of it in action using the Mockery library.

Mocking is simply the process of replacing an object with a fake that can act as a replacement. [...] The major reasons why we mock are Dependency elimination and removal of side effects. Think things like databases, 3rd party API requests and network requests, code that has to hit the filesystem.

This stuffs aren’t always guaranteed to be available or can prove tedious to set up (an internet connection for example) and even when they are (a logger that writes to the filesystem for example), they always tend to make your tests run extremely slow.

After covering some of the basics of mocking he talks about how they differ from stubs and how to get Mockery installed. He illustrates some of the basics concepts with a "user search" functionality based on a API request to GitHub. He's writing the results to the file system (via a Logger) so this is the main target of the mock. He creates a mock "FileSystem" class the Logger is refactored to use. He then mocks this dependency out and defines a "shouldReceive" handler for the call to write the log. This replaces the need for the test to write to the file system and makes it possible to test things in isolation rather than relying on the environment.

tagged: mocking introduction unittest mockery tutorial

Link: http://lanreadelowo.com/blog/2016/12/02/a-subtle-introduction-to-mocking/

Adam Wathan:
Replacing Mocks with Spies
Oct 13, 2016 @ 15:25:14

In this post to his site Adam Wathan shares a unit testing tip that can help you with more correct verification in your testing - replacing mocks with spies.

Mock objects are useful when verifying that a method was called is more important than verifying the outcome of calling that method.

[...] Mocks are a great tool, but it’s always bugged me that they force you to set expectations in advance instead of making assertions at the end like you would in a traditional test.

He gives a Laravel-based example of using Mockery to set an "expects" call on a method to ensure it's correctly called. He points out, however, that this method is more useful for checking the result of the method call and not really the fact that it was called (a slight but interesting difference). He then gives an example of testing the PHP function strrev and the phases you would go through in the testing process. He suggests that, in the creation of the mock object, you're mixing up the "setup" phase with the "assertion" phase and making them dependencies. He shows how, with a switch over to using spies instead, including the code updates for Mockery that change the mock object creation and split out the assertion from the creation.

tagged: mock spy unittest mockery assertion setup

Link: https://adamwathan.me/2016/10/12/replacing-mocks-with-spies/

SitePoint PHP Blog:
Building a SparkPost Client: TDD with PhpUnit and Mockery
May 04, 2016 @ 17:26:32

On the SitePoint PHP blog they've continued their series covering the SparkPost mail delivery service and integrating it in to your application. In this latest part of the series author Christopher Pitt starts looking at the SparkPost API and uses it as a chance to practice some TDD (Test Driven Development) skills.

In a previous post, we looked at SparkPost (as an alternative to Mandrill), and explored a bit of the official PHP client. The official client handles a decent amount of work, but I got to thinking about what it would take to build a new client.

The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I could learn about the SparkPost API, and practice Test Driven Development at the same time. So, in this post we’ll look to do just that!

He uses a few different libraries to explore the API and its endpoints: Guzzle for the HTTP requests and the Mockery+PHPUnit combination for the testing. He includes the setup and configuration for the testing environment and some sample tests for making sure things are connected. He then integrates Mockery into the testing, using it to mock the Guzzle requests and still have the tests pass even without the actual connection. He then works through several other tests and finishes the post with a mention of building coverage results for the "Client" class.

tagged: sparkpost client tutorial series tdd testdriven development mockery phpunit guzzle api

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/building-a-sparkpost-client-tdd-with-phpunit-and-mockery/

Robert Basic:
Mocking hard dependencies with Mockery
Dec 26, 2014 @ 17:14:51

Robert Basic has a post today showing how you can mock hard dependencies with Mockery, a mocking library for use in unit testing. In this case, "hard" refers to work around the use of "new" creating objects in hard to test places.

One problem with unit testing legacy applications is that the code has new statements all over the place, instantiating new objects in a way that doesn't really makes it easier to test the code. Of course, the easy answer to this is "Just refactor your application!", but that's almost always easier said than done. If refactoring is an option, do it. If not, one option is to use Mockery to mock the hard dependencies.

He makes use of instance mocks to show the overloading of the service without the need for a refactor. This overrides it on a more global scale, so it could have an effect on other tests. He shows how autoloading and PHPUnit's own process isolation handling can fix tis problem (though it takes more time to run the tests this way). He includes sample code of the whole process so you can easily follow along too.

tagged: mockery dependency hard new instance phpunit unittest

Link: http://robertbasic.com/blog/mocking-hard-dependencies-with-mockery

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