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Zend Framework Blog:
Discover and Read RSS and Atom Feeds
Apr 07, 2017 @ 14:25:08

On the Zend Framework blog Matthew Weier O'Phinney has written up a new tutorial showing you how to discover and read RSS feeds with the help of the zend-feed component of the Zend Framework.

Remember RSS and Atom feeds? Chances are, you may be reading this because it was on a feed.

[...] An interesting fact: Atom itself is often used as a data transfer format for REST services, particularly content management platforms! As such, being familiar with feeds and having tools to work with them is an important skill for a web developer! In this first of a two part series on feeds, we'll look at feed discovery, as well as reading, using zend-feed's Reader subcomponent.

He gets started by installing the zendframework/zend-feed component with Composer and pulling in the zendframework/zend-http component to make the HTTP requests for the feeds. He then shares some code that helps with RSS/Atom feed discovery on a site and viewing the results. This list is then used as sources to import and code is shown that outputs the basic information about the feed. Finally he shows how to look through the entries in the feed and output the title, link and description of each.

tagged: series discover read parse rss atom feed zendframework zendfeed zendhttp tutorial part1

Link: https://framework.zend.com/blog/2017-04-06-zend-feed-reading.html

Hari KT:
Zend Feed and Guzzle
Apr 02, 2015 @ 15:43:06

Hari KT has posted some of the results of his work integrating the Guzzle client into the Zend Feed component for use in handling it's HTTP requests and responses.

You may have worked with Zend Feed as a standalone component. I don’t know whether you have integrated Zend framework Feed with Guzzle as Http Client. This post is inspired by Matthew Weier O’Phinney, who have mentioned the same on github.

He starts with the contents of his composer.json configuration file, pulling in Guzzle, ZendFeed and ZendService, and explaining the need for each. He then makes a simple "GuzzleClient" class and "GuzzleResponse" class that fit with the needed interfaces used by ZendFeed. Then he "wires them up" and injects the custom client and responses classes into the ZendFeed instance.

tagged: zendfeed component guzzle integrate http client interface tutorial

Link: http://harikt.com/blog/2015/04/01/zend-feed-and-guzzle/

Zend Framework - How To Implement RSS Feeds the Easy Way
Jul 12, 2012 @ 15:08:01

On the MaltBlue blog Matt Setter has a new tutorial posted about creating RSS feeds quickly and easily with the help of the Zend Framework and context switching.

Ever wanted to know how to take an existing Zend Framework application where you have posts, records, news or anything else stored in a data source and updated regularly, and make it available as a feed for your users that they can subscribe to? Well today, that’s what I want to show you. Recently, during the development of the burgeoning PHP cloud development casts site, I had just that situation.

He shows you how to set up some of the routing for the RSS and Atom feeds, pointing them to specific module/controller/action paths for handling. He then creates a "_getFeed()" method that pulls together the needed content and uses the Zend_Feed_Writer_Feed component to create the feed of the correct type. This is then exported, returned and - thanks to a bit more configuration - turned into a correctly-formatted feed.

tagged: zendframework rss atom feed tutorial zendfeed


Creating RSS & Atom Feeds with Zend_Feed
Sep 07, 2010 @ 16:27:55

New on ZendCasts.com this screencast helps you use the Zend Framework's Zend_Feed component to create simple RSS and Atom feeds for your application.

The screencast shows you how to create a basic controller with information for a sample blog post (title, date creates, content, etc) and a simple method to create default posts. A second controller is made to handle the feed creation and two actions are created - one for RSS and the other for Atom. The posts are then parsed and pushed out to views for displaying as feeds.

The site has more great screencasts where this came from so check out their screencasts section for ones on other topics like ZendX_JQuery, working with Zend_Log, and validation with Zend_Validate.

tagged: zendfeed rss atom tutorial screencast


Creating RSS Feeds with the Zend Framework for Fun and Profit
Feb 26, 2009 @ 15:31:52

Developer.com has posted this new tutorial that finds yet another use for the popular Zend Framework Zend_Feed component - reading the feeds for your Google Adsense ads (and working with Adsense for Feeds).

As you've seen in previous tutorials, the Zend Framework offers Web developers a tremendously powerful solution not only for building maintainable websites, but also for taking advantage of the latest web services. This offering includes the Zend_Feed component, which makes it incredibly easy to both build and consume RSS feeds.

He shows how to create an "advertising-aware RSS feed" via the Adsense for Feeds and putting Adsense ads into your feed. The information for the feed is initially generated by an instance of a Zend_Feed component (with the information pulled from a backend database).

tagged: tutorial zendframework zendfeed profit adsense google component


Trackbacks with Google Blog Search and Zend Feed
Sep 15, 2008 @ 15:21:53

Wanting to automate the trackbacking process for articles linked to on the site, the ProDevTips blog went with a simple method using the Google Blog Search and Zend_Feed to parse the resulting feed from the search.

So Google Blog Search it is then. When you use the search you have the option of subscribing to it through an RSS feed. I did a link:url search and just copied the resultant feed URL. Using this URL it is possible to fetch for instance 10 results and display them through parsing the atom feed.

The example script queries the Google search, requests an output format of atom and spits back out a listing of the other sites/blog posts that link to any given article.

tagged: trackback google blog search zendfeed tutorial


Zend Developer Zone:
Using Zend_Feed to Merge Multiple RSS Feeds
Apr 08, 2008 @ 15:32:58

On the Zend Developer Zone, a new tutorial has been posted that anyone looking to "blend feeds" might want to take a look at. It's a guide to using the Zend_Feed component of the Zend Framework to combine the contents of multiple RSS feeds.

As part of my playing around with the Zend Framework, I've decided to make this merged RSS feed using the Zend_Feed component. Actually at the end I've realized that this merged feed idea is quite useless, but at least this post came out of it :-)

He developed it originally as a way to combine his twitter and blog feeds into one thing to provide the latest updates to readers from both in one simple place. He shows how to take in the two feeds, each in its own feed object and merge them into one array. This array is then pushed back out to the visitor an the RSS format (thanks to Zend_Feed_Rss).

tagged: zendframework zendfeed zendfeedrss combine tutorial feed multiple


Padraic Brady's Blog:
Zend_Feed: Getting Started With Aggregating RSS/Atom Content
Feb 12, 2008 @ 15:32:00

Padraic Brady has put together a very comprehensive post on his blog today about using the Zend_Feed component of the Zend Framework to help with the aggregation of content from other sites (like RSS and Atom feeds).

In this entry I explore Zend_Feed from the perspective of someone aggregating RSS and Atom feeds with a view to building a database of uniquely identified content for later presentation in a "Planet" style application. [...] In fact all we create here is a simple command line script to aggregate content frequently (e.g. just set up cron to run it every hour or so) into a database for later presentation.

He guides you through each step of the way:

  • Setting Up Database And Models
  • The Aggregator Script Foundation
  • Using Zend_Feed to get common data for RSS/Atom entries
  • Putting It All Together

There's plenty of code (and SQL to insert) in the post and he explains each point well, helping to make the development process smoother. There's even a summary section to toss in a few extra bits of information just in case you missed them along the way.

tagged: zendfeed zendframework aggregate rss atom feed content


Parsing tags with Zend Feed
Dec 12, 2007 @ 19:13:07

A new tutorial on the ProDevTips.com website today shows how to parse tags (like in a feed) with the Zend_Feed component of the Zend Framework.

Consuming a feed with Zend Feed is quite simple if you don’t want to do something fancy.

They include an example of how to pull in the feed, parse out information from the various tags, and push that information into a database they've created (they include the code for the script and to create the database as well).

tagged: parse feed xml zendfeed zendframework tutorial parse feed xml zendfeed zendframework tutorial


Parsing tags with Zend Feed
Dec 12, 2007 @ 19:13:07

A new tutorial on the ProDevTips.com website today shows how to parse tags (like in a feed) with the Zend_Feed component of the Zend Framework.

Consuming a feed with Zend Feed is quite simple if you don’t want to do something fancy.

They include an example of how to pull in the feed, parse out information from the various tags, and push that information into a database they've created (they include the code for the script and to create the database as well).

tagged: parse feed xml zendfeed zendframework tutorial parse feed xml zendfeed zendframework tutorial


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