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Michelangelo van Dam:
Installing PHP 7 on OS X Yosemite
Dec 07, 2015 @ 15:40:34

Michelangelo van Dam has a post to his site, now that PHP 7 is released, showing you how to get it installed on OSX (Yosemite) for your local development.

Yesterday was the release of PHP7.0.0 and I wanted to have it on my mac as fast as possible. Since I'm still using Mac OS X Yosemite I will post here the steps to upgrade my platform, it might be useful for you too.

He starts with the requirements needed for the installation including XCode to be able to compile the PHP from scratch and the latest download of PHP 7 from php.net. He then talks about the benefits of compiling your own installation and shares a script that he uses to compile the PHP version he wants (based on a command line option). Once this is run the typical make and make install are executed and, if all goes well, your output for a /opt/php7/bin/php -v will look the same as his.

tagged: install php7 osx yosemite script compile custom module

Link: http://www.dragonbe.com/2015/12/installing-php-7-on-os-x-yosemite.html

VG Tech Blog:
How I Set Up My Local PHP Dev Environment on Mac OSX Yosemite in Three Easy Steps
Jan 16, 2015 @ 17:43:51

On the VG Tech blog today Erland Wiencke has posted a quick guide to the "three easy steps" he uses to set up a PHP development environment on OSX.

When I first started writing this post, I considered giving it a title such as “How to set up local PHP development with dynamically configured mass virtual hosting on Apache 2.4″, “Quick and easy prototyping using Liip PHP, Dnsmasq or Proxy Auto Configuration” or even “The Ultimate Guide to Rapid Development on OSX 10.10″. I did not.

In my daily job as a Development Manager, I don’t get to code very much, but when I do, I want to have a setup that allows me to quickly create development projects and prototypes in the ~/Sites folder and have them show up as vhosts automagically, without having to edit any configuration file(s).

His three steps do require a few prerequisites including Homebrew, but that's easy enough to set up. Here's his process:

  • Step 1 – installing (my preferred version of) PHP
  • Step 2 – enable hosting under ~/Sites
  • Step 3 – add a local DNS server

He also includes a "Step 3a" that shows how to test the installation via a simple response from each of the domains.

tagged: development environment osx yosemite local tutorial setup configure

Link: http://tech.vg.no/2015/01/15/how-i-set-up-my-local-php-development-environment-on-mac-osx-yosemite-in-three-easy-steps/

Rob Allen:
Setting up PHP & MySQL on OS X Yosemite
Oct 20, 2014 @ 14:43:36

Rob Allen has posted a quick guide to help you get PHP and MySQL set up on Yosemite, the latest version of Apple's OSX operating system (just released last week).

t's that time again; Apple has shipped a new version of OS X, 10.10 Yosemite. Apple ships PHP 5.5.14 with Yosemite and this is how to set it up from a clean install. However, if you don't want to use the built-in PHP or want to use version 5.6, then these are some alternatives [including the Liip binary package, Homebrew or Zend Server 7.x).

He opts for the Homebrew method, installing it first then getting into the PHP and MySQL packages. This is all done from the command-line, so you'll need to be comfortable there. He includes the commands needed to install PHP, MySQL and Apache along with all configuration changes to make them work together. He also shows how to install Xdebug, PEAR, Composer and the Mcrypt & Intl extensions if needed.

tagged: setup osx yosemite mysql homebrew package install apache intl mcrypt

Link: http://akrabat.com/php/setting-up-php-mysql-on-os-x-yosemite/

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