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Tim MacDonald:
Loading Eloquent relationship counts
Nov 12, 2018 @ 15:51:30

Tim MacDonald has a new post to his site sharing methods that the Laravel Eloquent users (either in the framework or outside of it) can use to load in the counts of relationships without having to fetch the entire relationship data set.

It is often useful to show the number of related models a given instance has, but not actually need any specific information about the related models, just how many exist. In this scenario you do not want to load all of the related models into memory to count them, we want our database to do the heavy lifting for us. Laravel offers a number of ways to retrieve relationship counts. 2 have been around for a while, but there is a new kid on the block.

He looks at three methods you can use to get these counts: via the query builder manually, directly on the relationship and, more recently added, from an eloquent collection. He goes through each of these methods, providing a summary of the technique and code examples showing how it's implemented.

tagged: laravel eloquent relationship count tutorial querybuilder collection

Link: https://timacdonald.me/loading-eloquent-relationship-counts/

Larry Garfield:
PHP: Never type hint on arrays
Jul 30, 2018 @ 17:05:48

In a new post Larry Garfield makes an interesting suggestion related to the use of arrays in PHP. He suggests that you should never type hint arrays in your method definitions.

Let's be controversial: In modern PHP, you should never type-hint an array. Before you start throwing tomatoes, hear me out.

PHP allows you to specify the type of a function/method parameter or return value. These return values can be any legal PHP type. [...] PHP has a data type that it calls array, although it's not really an array as any other language would define it. [...] And you should almost never use array as a type hint. Why? Because there's always a better, more generic option.

He starts off talking about the use case where arrays are used as a "single complex value" and how,. more often than not, a class is actually a better option. He then covers the other main use of arrays: as an ordered sequence of values. To replace this he recommends a more structured collection that can apply some logic to its contents. With these other options out of the way, he then talks about what arrays are actually useful for and some other potential typehints to allow arrays and other potential inputs. He ends the post talking about array operations included in PHP and how, with a minimal amount of effort, they could be reproduced with simple methods for use on actual collection instances instead.

tagged: typehint array options class collection opinion

Link: https://steemit.com/php/@crell/php-never-type-hint-on-arrays

Extending Laravel’s Collection With Macros
Jul 20, 2018 @ 19:43:29

On the Pineco.de blog they've posted a new tutorial showing how to extend the Collection functionality of Laravel with the help of macros.

Collections are fantastic features of the framework. With the functionality that the collection offers, we can easily handle any need that a dataset requires. But still, in some cases, we may extend with custom functionality.

The post starts with a more general look at what collection macros are and a few code snippets of them in action. To illustrate how to extend them, they create a "some" macro that takes in an anonymous function containing some kind of logic to check the key/value passed to it and return a boolean. The post finishes up by linking to the macro documentation and another package that implements a wide range of additional macros (like "extract", "paginate", "tail" and "transpose").

tagged: laravel collection macro tutorial some extend

Link: https://pineco.de/extendig-laravels-collection-with-macros/

Matt Stauffer:
Laravel Collections’ higher order messaging and “when” method in Laravel 5.4
Aug 18, 2017 @ 15:31:19

In this new post to his site Matt Stauffer looks at the "higher order messaging" in Laravel's collections as a part of his series covering features in Laravel 5.4.

It seems like it was just last year that collection pipelines took over the Laravel world. Taylor had introduced collections to Laravel a while back but they sat somewhat under-appreciated until Adam Wathan wrote his book Refactoring to Collections about how they can transform the way you write a lot of your PHP code.

In Laravel 5.4, collections got a few boosts. Let’s take a look at a few.

He starts by talking about the higher order messaging design pattern and how it is different than just using something like foreach to iterate through a set. He then applies this to the Laravel collections, showing how they're implemented there via the "filter" and "pipe" methods.

tagged: collection higher order when messaging tutorial laravel54

Link: https://mattstauffer.co/blog/laravel-collections-higher-order-messaging-and-when-method-in-laravel-5-4

Laravel News:
Bring Laravel Collections to JavaScript with Collect.js
Jun 19, 2017 @ 14:31:22

The Laravel News site has a quick post sharing an interesting Javascript library that brings the functionality of Laravel's collections over from PHP to the world of Javascript.

Collect.js is a port of Laravel Collections to JavaScript. It’s dependency free and makes working with arrays and objects easy. [...] It’s almost a one to one map with the Laravel version and it even includes the fairly new Collection Tap method.

There are some differences, however, including the requirement that all comparisons use strict equality versus the looser version PHP allows. The post includes the npm install command to get the library installed, gives a simple example of it in use and links to both the GutHub repo and the NPM page for more details.

tagged: laravel news collection collectjs functionality port library npm

Link: https://laravel-news.com/javascript-collections

PHP Generics and why we need them
May 23, 2017 @ 14:48:56

On the Stitcher.io blog there's a post that's advocating the addition of a feature to the core PHP language that several others have: generics. The basic idea behind generics is to provide functionality that allows the definition of entity types that can be reused as a default (like a "collection" generic that could be used instead of a base collection class).

In today's blog post we'll explore some common problems with arrays in PHP. All the problems and issues listed could be solved with a pending RFC which adds generics to PHP. We won't explore in too much detail what generics are. But at the end of this read, you should have a good idea as to why they are useful, and why we really want them in PHP. So without further ado, let's dive into the subject.

They start off with a common use case in PHP: a collection of blog posts and getting information from them. There's no guarantee that the contents of the set are always post objects leading to specific checks to ensure data quality before use. The post then uses a common example from PHP, the creation of a collection class to handle a set of objects and then showing how (with pseudo-code as generics aren't in the language) how that same functionality might look defined as a generic collection instead.

tagged: generics language feature example rfc collection

Link: https://www.stitcher.io/blog/php-generics-and-why-we-need-them

SitePoint PHP Blog:
Creating Strictly Typed Arrays and Collections in PHP
Mar 27, 2017 @ 17:45:06

On the SitePoint PHP blog there's a new post from Bert Ramakers showing you how to create strictly typed arrays and collections in PHP.

One of the language features announced back in PHP 5.6 was the addition of the ... token to denote that a function or method accepts a variable length of arguments.

Something I rarely see mentioned is that it’s possible to combine this feature with type hints to essentially create typed arrays.

He starts with an example of a class/method that only takes in a certain type of objects as a collection (using the "...") with a fatal thrown if anything else is given. He also shows how to do the same thing with scalar types and the "..." operator with a typed input. He does point out one problem with this approach, namely that if more complex input is required the single type just wouldn't work. His solution involves custom collection classes where the settings are in the collection and not passed directly into the method. This collection then contains some of the base functionality (like getting an average value from a set of floats) and can be enhanced with other typical interfaces to work like any other collection. He also presents another option: using value objects for validation of the input.

tagged: collection array strict typing tutorial operator

Link: https://www.sitepoint.com/creating-strictly-typed-arrays-collections-php/

Nicola Malizia:
Understanding Laravel’s HighOrder Collections
Mar 14, 2017 @ 14:11:59

Nicola Malizia has written up a tutorial that helps to explain Laravel's HighOrder collection functionality, a feature that was added in Laravel 5.4.

A new version of Laravel is available from 24 January 2017 and, as usual, it comes with a lot of new features.

Among them, there is one that takes advantage of the dynamic nature of PHP. Some out of there will contempt this, but I find it awesome!

He talks briefly about what the normal Collection class provides and provides an example of creating a collection and using the "map" function to return an average. With the new functionality the methods can be called directly on the collection with a simplified format. With the example out of the way he then dives into the source code for the feature, showing how it defines the "proxy" methods allowed and uses the __get and __call magic methods to map the method calls back to a collection.

tagged: laravel highorder collection tutorial introduction code

Link: https://unnikked.ga/understanding-laravels-highorder-collections-ee4f65a3029e#.uo1gmhbgu

Laravel News:
Laravel Collection “tap” Method
Feb 20, 2017 @ 16:05:55

In this recent post to the Laravel News site Eric Barnes introduces a new method that's included in Laravel 5.4.10: the "tap" method.

Laravel 5.4.10 introduces a new tap method on collections which allow you to “tap” into the collection at a specific point and do something with the results while not affecting the main collection.

He includes an example, showing a sample array of user data and how, after converting it into a collection, he can "tap" into it at any point. He tapping pulls out the name of the current record following a "where" to locate the matching value. The quick post ends with a look at how the "tap" method is different from "pipe". Essentially the difference is that using "pipe" returns a different collection, potentially with modified data while "tap" does not.

tagged: laravel collection tap pipe method introduction

Link: https://laravel-news.com/collection-tap

Fabian Schmengler:
Collection Pipelines in PHP
Dec 28, 2016 @ 18:24:24

In a new post to his site Fabian Schmengler has written up an introduction to collection pipelines and how it could be applied to a Magento-based environment.

If you read the book “Refactoring to Collections” or saw screencasts and talks by Adam Wathan about collection pipelines, but do not work with Laravel, you might have asked yourself how to apply these techniques to other PHP applications, for example Magento.

[...] This is very similar to Unix pipes, where the individual commands are the operations, and the lines passed through input and output stream, the collection.

He starts by illustrating the idea in Bash and Ruby, showing the three main types of collection operations: map, filter and reduce. He talks about the advantages these methods have over traditional looping and what kind of value they can provide in both Laravel and plain old PHP. He illustrates the PHP-only versions using the array_filter, array_map and array_reduce functions and some thoughts on when it's good to use them over normal looping (and when it's not). He then gets into the Magento-specific handling and making use of a package to handle collections: Knapsack. He shows how to use the library to work with collections and, as another option, a "home-grown" version that lives in a single class. The post wraps up with the Magento integration of this functionality, a brief mention of functional programming and "the hard part" of issues with debugging.

tagged: collection pipeline package knapsack magento integration tutorial introduction map reduce filter

Link: https://www.schmengler-se.de/en/2016/12/collection-pipelines-in-magento/

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