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AWS Developer Blog:
Using the Multipart Uploader with Client-Side Encryption for Amazon S3 in the AW
Dec 26, 2017 @ 16:22:18

On the AWS PHP SDK blog there's a new tutorial posted showing you how to use the multipart uploader with client-side encryption via the library.

The AWS SDK for PHP released support for multipart uploads with client-side encryption in version 3.48.0 via the S3EncryptionMultipartUploader. With client-side encryption, data is encrypted and decrypted directly in your environment. This means that this data is encrypted before it’s transferred to Amazon S3, and you don’t rely on an external service to handle encryption for you.

Multipart uploads are designed to improve the upload experience for larger objects. With it, you can upload objects via parts that can be uploaded independently, in any order, and in parallel. You can use a multipart upload for objects from 5 MB to 5 TB in size.

The article then starts you off with the requirements you'll need to follow along and some sample code to get the client up and running. The code then shows how to perform the file upload, making use of a file stream (via fopen) to pull in the contents of the file. The tutorial finishes by describing some of the other fields that can be used with the client and links to other SDKs that support this same functionality in other languages.

tagged: multipart uploader clientside encryption tutorial sdk aws

Link: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer/using-the-multipart-uploader-with-client-side-encryption-for-amazon-s3-in-the-aws-sdk-for-php/

AWS Developer Blog:
Using Client-Side Encryption for Amazon S3 in the AWS SDK for PHP
Nov 10, 2017 @ 16:11:16

On the AWS Developer blog they've posted a new tutorial showing you how to use client-side encryption in the AWS PHP SDK for interactions with the AWS S3 service.

The AWS SDK for PHP released an S3EncryptionClient in version 3.38.0. With client-side encryption, data is encrypted and decrypted directly in your environment. This means that this data is encrypted before it’s transferred to Amazon S3, and you don’t rely on an external service to handle encryption for you.

The AWS SDK for PHP implements envelope encryption and uses OpenSSL for its encrypting and decrypting. The implementation is interoperable with other SDKs that match its feature support. It’s also compatible with the SDK’s promise-based asynchronous workflow.

The tutorial then walks you through the setup of a new S3EncryptionClient instance and how to use the putObject method to push the file contents up to S3 automagically using the encryption. It also includes a code example of pulling the file contents down and decrypting the contents via a getObject call.

tagged: aws s3 sdk tutorial encrypt decrypt client tutorial

Link: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer/using-client-side-encryption-for-amazon-s3-in-the-aws-sdk-for-php/

AWS Developer Blog:
Automated Changelog in AWS SDK for PHP
Sep 01, 2017 @ 15:17:08

On the AWS Developer blog they've posted about a new update in their PHP SDK functionality: a "changelog builder" that helps with automated changelog generation.

Starting with version 3.22.10 of the AWS SDK for PHP, released February 23, 2017, the Changelog Builder automatically processes all changelog entries. Each pull request is required to have a changelog JSON blob as part of the request. The system also calculates the next version for the SDK based on the type of the changes that are defined in the given changelog JSON blob.

The update simplifies the process of adding release notes to the CHANGELOG.md file for each pull request. Each merged pull request that was part of the release results in a new entry to the CHANGELOG.md file. The entry describes the change and provides the TAG number and release date.

This changelog is generated from a required JSON document for each pull request that provides information about the type of change, category and a brief description. They explain each of these items to give a little more context as to what they should contain along with a few examples.

This is something that could definitely help to improve other libraries as well, gathering the required change information from the contributor rather than having a project administrator have to sift through the PR to locate all changes.

tagged: aws sdk automated changelog generation json requirement pullrequest

Link: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer/automated-changelog-in-php-sdk-for-aws/

Laravel News:
Laravel Forge PHP SDK
Apr 05, 2017 @ 15:56:24

On the Laravel News site there's an announcement about the release of an SDK for the Forge API to make it easier to use the Laravel Forge API to manage your sites and servers.

Laravel Forge announced it’s first official API back in February and we have seen a lot of interesting uses like the F-Bar Mac app. Today, Mohamed Said released a PHP SDK for the API that covers all the features.

The post includes an example of using the SDK to create a new server on your Forge account, providing settings like size, name, region and provider. The post also lists out some of the other methods available in the SDK including:

  • revokeAccess
  • rebootMysql
  • installBlackfire
  • installPapertrail

You can find out more about this SDK on its GitHub repository.

tagged: laravel forge sdk github release functionality server management

Link: https://laravel-news.com/laravel-forge-php-sdk

AWS Developer Blog:
Automating the Deployment of Encrypted Web Services with the AWS SDK for PHP (Pa
Feb 17, 2017 @ 18:25:48

The Amazon Web Services blog has posted the second part of their series covering the automated deployment of encrypted web services with the AWS SDK. In this new tutorial (part two, part one is here) they continue with the deployment of services: AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon Route 53 and Amazon CloudFront.

In the first post of this series, we focused on how to use Amazon Route 53 for domain registration and use Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM) to create SSL certificates. With our newly registered domain available for use, we can proceed to deploy and configure the services we need to host the www.dev-null.link website across an encrypted connection. Once complete, the infrastructure configuration will reflect the diagrams [included in the post].

The tutorial then walks you through each of the services you need to deploy and shares the code (using the AWS PHP SDK) to show how to automate the process. There's also a few screenshots included of various page results and admin UIs to help you be sure you're in the right place.

tagged: aws amazon deployment encrypted webservice sdk tutorial series part2

Link: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer/automating-the-deployment-of-encrypted-web-services-with-the-aws-sdk-for-php-part-2/

Mandrill Alternatives for PHP Applications
Apr 19, 2016 @ 17:07:16

With the recent (well, not too recent) announcement from MailChimp about the shift to a paid model for their Mandrill email service, PHP developers have been busy looking for alternatives. In this post to the php[architect] site Sandy Smith explores some of the other options out there, how they compare and what they have to offer.

n case you might have missed the announcement, MailChimp is changing Mandrill to be an add-on to paid MailChimp accounts, thus eliminating the generous free tier. We’re big fans of MailChimp and use its mailing list service for our own announcements, but a full MailChimp account isn’t going to be for everybody. [...] Many people also know Mandrill by reputation and will need options in the future. For you, we’ve put together this list of viable transactional email alternatives with PHP and major PHP application support.

Included in their list are services like:

For each service he includes a paragraph talking about what integrations and libraries there are for their use as well as what's included in their "free" levels.

tagged: mandrill alternative email service options sdk overview

Link: https://www.phparch.com/2016/04/mandrill-alternatives-for-php-applications/

How to Connect Your PHP Application to Google Cloud Storage
Jul 15, 2015 @ 17:47:27

On PHPBuilder.com they've posted a tutorial showing you how to connect your PHP applications to Google Cloud Storage with the help of a Google App Engine instance and their own SDK.

In this article, I'll show you how to take advantage of Google's Platform as a Service (PaaS) in order to create a scalable, highly available and secure PHP web application. Note: The instructions are for Mac OSX, but may work for Linux too. Slight modifications may be needed for Windows.

They show you how to use the SDK and a bit of configuration to create a simple script that connects to the Google Cloud Storage (via a simple file_get_contents call), fetches a list of images and pulls out a random "meme" image to show from the list. They've also posted a live demo if you'd like to see the result.

tagged: google appengine cloudstorage tutorial deploy connect sdk

Link: http://www.phpbuilder.com/articles/databases/how-to-connect-your-php-application-to-google-cloud-storage.html

Cees-Jan Kiewiet:
AWS PHP SDK Asynchronously
Jun 30, 2015 @ 16:31:15

Cees-Jan Kiewiet has a new post today talking about some interesting trickery he was able to do with the AWS (Amazon Web Services) PHP SDK to allow requests to be made asynchronously.

Just got off the AWS SDK for PHP Office Hour hangout and it was great talking with both team members Jeremy and Michael. And one of the things we talked about was async access to the AWS services using the PHP SDK. The goal of this post is to get the AWS PHP SDK client working asynchronously.

He starts with brief instructions on getting the SDK installed (via Composer) along with a library of his own that brings in a few other dependencies. The ReactPHP event loop is what makes the asynchronous connections possible. He includes the code to create the new handler stack and how to use it to make the asynchronous calls. A demo screencast is also included in the post to illustrate the output from a simple set of requests.

tagged: aws amazon sdk asynchronous connection reactphp event loop tutorial

Link: http://blog.wyrihaximus.net/2015/06/aws-php-sdk-asynchronously/

Using the Digital Ocean API to Manage Cloud Instances
Jun 05, 2015 @ 16:14:10

In a new tutorial on the NetTuts.com site they show you how to use a Digital Ocean PHP SDK to manage your cloud instances from a PHP-based application.

The Digital Ocean API allows you to manage Droplets and resources in a simple, programmatic way using HTTP requests. All of the functionality that you are familiar with in the Digital Ocean control panel is also available through the API, allowing you to script the complex actions that your situation requires. For this tutorial, we'll integrate developer Antoine Corcy's Digital Ocean V2 PHP API Library into a Yii-based console application.

They walk you through the full process of the setup - getting your access keys, getting the PHP SDK and setting up a component as an interface for the rest of the Yii2 application to use. From there, he shows three examples of the types of commands to can issue:

  • Fetching Droplets
  • Fetching Images
  • Automating Snapshots

Each example comes with the code to implement it and screenshots of both how the same functionality looks in the Digital Ocean control panel and the output of their script.

tagged: digitalocean manage cloud instance sdk tutorial yii2

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/using-the-digital-ocean-api-to-manage-cloud-instances--cms-22864

E-mail List Alternatives With PHP: Using Mailgun's List API
May 25, 2015 @ 13:12:15

In a new tutorial posted to the NetTuts.com site they show you an alternative method for sending emails from your PHP application: using the Mailgun API. This API provides an interface into the Mailgun service, specifically made for sending emails without the hassles of hosting your own email server.

Over the past couple years I've run into various frustrations with both open source email list applications and paid cloud-based providers. In this tutorial, I'll guide you through my adoption of Mailgun.com, an economical solution I've been using successfully now for two years. [...] Mailgun is a cloud-based SaaS email cannon, like SendGrid. It's actually free for up to 10,000 emails per month. Mailgun is incredibly powerful and offers a well-documented API in a variety of popular languages. It provides for both send and receive capabilities, the latter of which can be quite difficult to develop from scratch. While Mailgun doesn't provide templates for rich HTML newsletters, it provides a platform upon which you can build anything.

He shows you how to use the service using a simple "ListApp" application (found on GitHub here) that provides some of the most common email list management functionality. He shows you how to set up a free Mailgun account and where to find their PHP SDK for the PHP integration. He then gets into the code examples, showing how to connect to the API via the SDK and doing tasks such as:

  • Creating and update a mailing list
  • Importing members to a list
  • Showing a list of current list subscribers
  • Send a new message
  • Synchronizing lists and members

He ends the post with a quick section about extending the ListApp application (or the PHP SDK) with a suggestion to add better error reporting or a queue system to manage the remote API requests more efficiently.

tagged: tutorial email list alternative mailgun api sdk listapp github

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/e-mail-list-alternatives-with-php-using-mailguns-list-api--cms-22824

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